Komparasi Metode Apriori dan FP-Growth Data Mining Untuk Mengetahui Pola Penjualan

Neni Purwati, Yogi Pedliyansah, Hendra Kurniawan, Sri Karnila, Riko Herwanto


 Sales data is generally still rarely used, as well as the Perfume Corner shop just piling up in the database, even though there are problems experienced by the store regarding sales data for the best-selling products and to increase the number of sales of subsequent perfume products, so that the store can survive and develop even better. The algorithm that can be used to manage sales data to overcome this problem is Apriori. The research method used in this research is the KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) process. This research produces a high frequency pattern for itemsets with a minimum support value of 20% resulting in products that become The Most Tree Items namely Jo Malone 82.49%, Zarra 28.25%, and Zwitsal 20.34%. While the association rules formed from the value of Min. Supp 20% and Min. Conf 80%, get a combination of 2 itemsets, namely Jo Malone and Zarra. Whereas for the combination of 3 itemsets, namely Jo Malone, Zarra and Baccarte with valid and strong status, it is proven by a lift value greater than 1, therefore the association rules are very appropriate to be used.


Algoritma Apriori, FP-Growth, KDD, Frequensi Tinggi, Aturan Asosiasi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30591/jpit.v8i2.4876


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