Author Guidelines
All papers submitted to the Monex: Journal of Accounting Research should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to be published in Monex: Journal of Accounting Research is Bahasa Indonesia and English.
All manuscripts must be submitted to Monex: Journal of Accounting Research.
Editorial using Online Submission at e-Journal portal address: where author registers as Author by online.
The author must download, fill, and upload these supplementary files before making new submission:
- [DOWNLOAD] Ethics Statement
- [DOWNLOAD] Author Agreement
- [DOWNLOAD] Copyright Statement
If authors have any problems with the online submission, please contact Editorial Office at the following email:
The manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word article template. download the template of the Jurnal monex in here:Template
The abstract consists of a maximum of 200 words in Indonesian with the Segoe UI 10pt font type Aligned right-left with 1 space. The contents of the abstract contain a brief description of the research objectives, methods used, results, and research conclusions. In the research results section more emphasis on writing. Keywords must specifically describe or represent the contents of the article. Keywords can be single words or phrases. Abbreviations may be used as long as they are common in the field of accounting.
Keywords: consists of 3-5 keywords, separated by commas.
Article content writing must be in accordance with the field covered by Monex (accounting, auditing, taxation, and matters related to financial research). The overall length of the manuscript is between 5,000 and 8,000 words. The introduction section is typically between 300 and 700 words.
Citation of references in the entire contents of the article is required to use an automatic synchronized citation tool. The entire content in this article must contain at least 15 references from the last 5 (five) years, including at least 1 (one) previous article published in the Monex journal.
This section consists of research design, subject/object/population/sample, operational definitions and measurement of variables, data collection techniques and instruments, and data analysis techniques. Contains the type of research, time and place of research, targets/objectives, research subjects, procedures, instruments and data analysis techniques as well as other matters related to the method of research, targets/targets, research subjects, procedures, data and instruments, and collection techniques data, as well as data analysis techniques and other matters related to the method of research.
The results of the research are presented in a structured way in narrative sentences which can be supported by graphs, tables or pictures. The discussion section should have the greatest dominance of the entire length of the article. Writing tables must match the available format, adjust the writing format if the table is the result of copy-pasting. Inclusion of the title and source is below the image, followed by a paragraph discussing the image that has been included. The discussion is focused on relating the data and the results of the analysis to the problem or research objectives and the broader theoretical context. It is also possible that the discussion is the answer to the question of why facts such as the associated data are found. In addition, the section is needed to link research results with previous studies. The discussion is written attached to the data being discussed, trying not to separate it from the data (tables or figures) being discussed.
Conclusions can be in the nature of generalizing findings according to research problems, can also be in the form of recommendations for the next step, in the form of one whole paragraph. Including concluding the objectives, summary and implications of research results, and research limitations.
Suggestions can be in the form of input for the next researcher, can also be recommendations implicative from research findings
Automatic bibliography writing using the synchronized citation application feature (Mendeley, Zotero, RefWords, etc.). Make sure that every reference that has been included in the body of the article already has complete details, so that it appears in the bibliography according to the format. References retrieved online include specific details such as date of access and also the source address of the website/DOI. The entire content has no typos, pictures, or grammar. Use direct and short sentences.
Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be sent to the editorial office through the Online Submission or,
The revised manuscripts returned later than 1 (one) month will be considered as new submissions.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.
Article Publication: 450000.00 (IDR)
Articles that are declared accepted will be subject to a fee of IDR450,000 (Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Rupiah)
If the author wants to withdraw the article, a link to the article withdrawal form is provided and there is no withdrawal fee, but articles that have been paid for are not returned.
If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.