Perancangan Kampanye Sosial "Peranan Orang Tua Terhadap Anak-anak Usia 5-13 Tahun Mengenai Gerakan Slow Food Di Kota Palembang".

Niken Gista Ardesta, Heri Iswandi, Bobby Halim


Slow food is a movement which promotes biodiversity as much as traditional or healthy food. However, as time passes, healthy food grows less popular than fast food. Many people, particularly young people, prefer fast food mainly because it enables them to consume food more quickly and order without having to wait long. This design gathers and analyses data using the 5W+2H approach (what, why, who, where, why, how, and how much) employing the approach known as Design Thinking. So as to generate concepts that can be examined on young people aged 5 to 13 years. The designed works are classified into three different groups: main media (pop up books), issue media (posters, flayers), and supporting media (t-shirts, stickers, puzzles, mugs, tumblers, lunch bags, handkerchiefs, notebooks, calendars, key chains). This media application employs the use of the symbols of “4 sehat 5 sempurna” or simply complete menu of food and a young boy enjoying healthy foods.

Keywords: Social Campaign, Healthy Food, Slow Food Movement, Pop up Books


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