Analisis Perbandingan Metode Fuzzy Logic Dan Metode SAW Dalam Pemilihan Keluarga Penerima Bantuan Sosial
a form of government responsibility to reduce existing social
inequalities. One of the efforts that the government has made is
to provide social assistance through the Non-Cash Food
Assistance program. However, the process of selecting recipients
of social assistance is often not on target. For this reason, it is
necessary to build a system that is able to support in determining
decisions for the selection of families receiving social assistance.
To help the selection process of social assistance recipients, of
course, it must use the right and appropriate method so that the
selection process produces social assistance recipients who really
deserve assistance. The selection process in this study uses two
decision support methods, namely Fuzzy Logic and Simple
Additive Weighting (SAW) and has conducted accuracy tests on
both methods against the suitability of recipient eligibility data,
so that it can be seen which method has the highest level of
accuracy in the selection of social assistance recipients. The
results of the accuracy test carried out in this study are that both
methods produce the same high level of accuracy in the
suitability of prospective recipient eligibility results, namely
100%, this means that both methods can be used in determining
recipients of social assistanc.
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